Sunday 22 June 2008

The glory of God is intelligence

So exam season is almost over, for some of you it may already have ended. My thoughts and prayers have been with you all. Memories of your own revision and exam experiences linger with you long after you finish your formal education !

In our Church we teach that 'the glory of God is intelligence'. Your hard work and sacrifices during this time are not wasted. This is what the Prophet Spencer W Kimball had to say on the subject:

We encourage our people to study and prepare to render service with their minds and with their hands. Some are inclined toward formal university training, and some are inclined toward practical vocational training. We feel that our people should receive that kind of training which is most consistent with their interests and talents. Whether it be in the professions, the arts, or the vocations; whether it be university or vocational training, we applaud and encourage it.

Anyway, having worked hard as I'm sure you all have, now is the time to enjoy those little indulgences you had to sacrifice for school books for the last few months! and of course, look forward to Young Women's camp which will really be a great time for us all to let our hair down!

Tuesday 18 March 2008

Live life joyously and beautifully!

Just a little reminder that we have ...

Stake Standards Night Saturday 29th March at 6pm at Hyde Park Chapel.

All baptised members of the Church need to live the standards as stated in 'For the Strength of Youth' no matter how old they are. However, we know the difficulties you may face in your youth. A simple example is dressing modestly. I love clothes but even now I cringe when my husband states that we have to go to a work event. I know trying to find a modest evening dress will be a nightmare, well, if I don't want to look frumpy! It takes some serious shopping to ever find anything I can wear! (I really need to learn to sew and design my own clothes...good PP project!)

My enjoyment of clothes goes way back to when I was at school. Like most teenage girls I loved clothes and make-up, but even then finding 'cool' but modest clothing could be a bit of a challenge.

After much experimentation in the world of teenage fashion, I managed to find a style of my own. My hairstyles, that can only be described now as, 'creative', at best, allowed me some further self expression! But the point is, I was able to state some individuality without being immodest or compromising any standards...(Looking back at photos I realise I was a youth during a very unflattering decade of fashion! If ever you're feeling bad about how you look, ask to see them, you'll feel instantly better about yourself !)

This is a small example of one standard, but I'm grateful for all the Standards I had as a guide for me through my youth. They were and still are a protection to me. I know by being obedient I can ensure I maintain the guidance of the Spirit of the Lord in my life.

President Ezra Taft Benson once told the youth:

Beloved youth, you will have your trials and temptations through which you must pass, but there are great moments of eternity which lie ahead...Be a light unto the world, a standard to others. You can live in the world and not partake of the sins of the world. You can live life joyously, beautifully, unmarred by the ugliness of sin. This is our confidence in you.

I really enjoyed my youth and keeping the standards certainly did not prevent me from having fun or making friends, quite the opposite. Maintaining your standards can most certainly lead you to 'live your life joyously and beautifully'....and that's got to be a great way to live!

Monday 25 February 2008

We are what we read

President Monson, at the recent worldwide leadership meeting used a quote by the author James A Michener,
" A nation becomes what its young people read in their youth. Its ideals are fashioned then, its goals strongly determined."

The Lord has also counselled us in D&C 88:118 to, " Seek ye out the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even study and also by faith".

How inspiring, life enhancing and sometimes life changing a good read can be!

Tuesday 12 February 2008

For Feb. 14th and all the days 'He' created

Our True Valentine

.For God so loVed the world,
......That He gAve
...........His onLy
.................That whosoever
.......Believeth In Him
..........Should Not perish,
.........But haveEverlasting life."

John 3:16

Happy Valentine's Day

Wednesday 6 February 2008


Hi girls

I've just created a facebook group which we would LOVE everyone to join! It's under the title "Hyde Park Stake YW & YM" - please join as we would love to message you every now and then and invite you to activities etc. Spread the word for everyone else to join as well.


Love Lou xx

Monday 4 February 2008

Being Us

It can be difficult sometimes being different. Having to say 'no' to things becomes a part of everyday life for a young woman in the Church. It can get tiring and just wanting to be accepted can become an understandable desire.

Yet, I have been thinking how powerful we are in being 'different'. In saying 'no' to enticements that could lead us away from the Spirit, we assert our independence and strength by not being influenced against our will. In doing so, we become closer to blessings that will last and will make us truly happy. Along the way, we may also support others who want to say no, they might not even be of our faith.

With the passing away of President Hinkley last week it gave me the opportunity to reflect on the important principles that he taught us and the tremendous influence he has been in the Church and in the world because of the conviction and faith he had in the Gospel.

President Hinkley understood the youth and understood the opposition and temptation experienced by this generation and gave as a guide the 'Six Be's '. Be Grateful. Be Smart, Be Clean, Be True, Be Humble, Be Prayerful. This reminds us of what is important and how simple the formula for happiness is.

It's not about having to say 'no' all the time, or feeling like the odd one out amongst our peers. Ultimately, it's about being us, being young women who understand God's plan and purpose and standing for something because we know it's right.

I like being us.